Special Mystery Box of TEN PAIRS of soles. This could include AJ1, SB and AF1 based sole types.
- Select Size. This is for Preferred Size to put in the box.
- In NOTES of purchase, you can identify:
- Preferred Color
- Preferred Style (AJ1, SB, AF1)
- Alternate Sizes (in case we run out of your Preferred Size)
- No notes of preferences and you will get what we choose.
- No guarantees of color but we will do our best to fulfill what you want.
- If you purchase more than one box, we will likely need to charge additional shipping.
- If we completely run out of your desired size in all colors and styles (or at least enough where we cannot complete the mystery boxq, we will consider credits of $5 per pair.
- NO RETURNS! No exceptions, as we are trying to get rid of inventory and this offer is well below actual cost.
There are many hundreds of soles remaining, so please help relieve us of this inventory!